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How To Take Professional Real Estate Photos To Help You Sell A Home

How To Take Professional Real Estate Photos To Help You Sell A Home

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How To Take Professional Real Estate Photos To Help You Sell A Home

Whenever you plan on selling your house, you’ll need professional real estate photos to help you sell the house. The most important thing is to think of your house as yourself getting ready for a job interview. You want to look presentable for anyone who sees you. 

Once you meet the interviewers, you want to make the best impressions. The same thing applies to listing a property online. You'll need the best real estate photos to make a first impression. It's an invitation to treat and you wouldn't want home searchers to have bad impressions of the listed property at first sight.

Why do you need professional real estate photos to sell a home

Professional home photography simplifies the interior and exterior design of the house. You want to go beyond the photos because these photos are what potential buyers can use to develop an interest in the property and schedule a viewing. Online listings with bad photos can cause buyers to overlook your home without even attempting to view it.

A house goes through three stages during a showing and any one of the three can derail the process and can possibly lead to losing the client. The first stage is curb appeal, the second stage is entering the front door and odours, and the third stage is the interior layout, cleanliness, and deferred maintenance.

Things to consider before taking Exterior real estate photos

While we can’t typically do much to change the entire design of the building without any significant expense, there are other things we can improve to get a quick sale. You don't need a real estate professional photographer for your home sale photography. Start with the following and you'll be fine.

  1. Cut and trim the lawn
  2. Weed the flower gardens
  3. Wash the window logs
  4. Take care of any damaged siding
  5. Scrape, prime and paint if needed
  6. Fix any damage to fences

How to take professional real estate pictures?

Providing professional real estate pictures for your listings is one of the simplest ways you can sell your home online. To get your house ready for breathtaking listing photos, buyers will want to see the full potential of your house in order to picture themselves in it. 

Clear all clutter – You start with the garage, and that includes the basement and attic areas. In any case, you're moving away, so clearing the clutter just helps you get out faster. It also opens up more space and makes them appear larger. This is especially important when you're dealing with older homes that weren’t built with modern floor plans.

Remove family photos – Don't leave any family artwork items like kids' artwork in the background because home buyers envision themselves in the house, rather than thinking they are trespassing someone else’s house. You wouldn't want potential homebuyers to know who your family are since you don't know who might be walking through your house. 

Paint – Use a catchy and neutral colour scheme because professional real estate photos can easily pick up tiny particles on the walls when light reflects from the camera flash. Ensure that the rooms are well-dusted before taking real estate listing photos on the property. Painting will also freshen up the appearance and make things look clean and neat.

Flooring – If the carpets are badly worn out, replace them before you start to take home selling pictures. If the flooring is new, then have them cleaned because this will improve the showing quality and give bright listing photos.

Repairs – Tour your own house like a buyer to address both minor and major repairs. Taking a home inspection like this will help you address any deficiencies found before you take your professional real estate photos list. Many people, when looking at a house, are critical about the home's damages. The best way to take real estate photos is to avoid common photo blunders.

Clean – Make sure to clean the light fixtures and ensure the kitchen and baths are as clean as possible. Clean the grout, lamps, and chandeliers throughout the house. Wash all utensils, clean out the cabinets and reduce the clutter there too. Make sure that your home is clean because houses are like anything else, we see them through our own personal lenses. 

Good Lighting – Make good use of natural light. Leave curtains and blinds open so natural light can pass through. Also, make sure the sun isn't filtering in when taking professional real estate pictures. You can turn on the lamps and lights both inside and out but remember to turn off ceiling fans.

Photography Angles – It is important to use wide angles fairly because you want to showcase bigger and smaller spaces. Don't overuse the wide-angle lens because you may cause distortion or unrealistic proportions in professional home photos. Always aim to include three walls in your professional real estate photos to give each room depth. Avoid using odd angles to take professional real estate photos.

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